
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Δεκέμβριος, 2011

Ανασκαφές, Μέρος Έσχατο (Not)

Τα γνωστά: "I live my life behind a hole. ...And I can watch people secretly by looking inside this small hole. A tiny aperture, of no importance. But for me it is the whole world. I see short moments. And I can catch the essence of life by tasting those fractional drops. Few and precious. Like the tears of love. I am stuck behind my own hole and I watch insatiably. I can see people living numerous emotions, but I am not gonna demonstrate them -oh no, you know them so well, my try will be a graceless venture. So I remain silent. And I won't comment anything, nor make any prediction. We talk so much. I -also- talk so much. No need of it. The bitter taste that I have is more than enough. I'll let this apple go rotten in the ground, and the sun will go down. And the fateful breeze brings the wise old lady with white-silver hair. After the full moon, crescent cynthia comes. Death. My hide-hole is dark, silent, moist and cold like a grave. I watch the dancing shadows o