Ανασκαφές, Μέρος Πρώτο

...Για να μην προσπαθήσω να γίνω αρχικά πολύ πρωτότυπη, αποφάσισα να παραθέσω σταδιακά κάποια μικρά κείμενα που είχα γράψει πριν τέσσερα χρόνια. Τώρα γιατί μου ήρθε να το κάνω δεν ξέρω, η καλοπροαίρετη πλευρά μου λέει ότι δεν είναι κακό να υπάρχουν κάπου (κάπως κάποτε), ενώ η κακοπροαίρετη πλευρά μου λέει ότι απλά βαριέμαι και αναμασάω γραπτά του παρελθόντος. Όπως και να έχει, θα τα βγάλω στη φόρα να πάνε στο καλό, μπας και φιλοτιμηθώ να συντάξω τίποτα καινούριο -και πιο εύθυμο ελπίζω, γιατί όπως θα φανεί στην πορεία, αυτά τα κείμενα δεν είναι και ό,τι πιο χαρούμενο έχετε διαβάσει τέλος πάντων. Ευτυχώς είναι λίγα (συγκεκριμενα, τρία), είχα κι ένα τέταρτο αλλά το έφαγε η μαρμάγκα των ίντερνετς. Αυτά. Το παρακάτω απόσπασμα γράφτηκε την Παρασκευή, 12 Οκτωβρίου 2007 -και α ναι, είναι στα αγγλικά, διότι έτσι μου αρεσε.

  "...I was walking in a road that I knew it, but I had no memory of it. The buildings around me were familiar and strange to me. And the people... They had familiar faces, but in certain glimpses they seemed creatures from unknown wedges of my well hidden fears. Was it day? Was it night? Who knows... I only know that I was searching something without knowing what it was specifically. In order to enter oblivion, I was counting the tiles of the paved road in content with my footsteps. One, two, three, death... One, two, three, death... I say "death" cause every step was menacing to immerge me into an endless lie. I crave for wantoning that lie. It may be the most unfeigned thing that I ever experienced-
  A red, dismal sun is playing with me hide-and-seek, he appears firstly to laugh at me and then he lurks sneakily behind some colorless, decrepit buildings. He has the insolence of the moribund, he is ready to perish as he closes west- he never cares for coherences, he observes me secretly and oppressively until he goes down. What's the matter of it? He will fade after a while, then the fight with the shadows will start, the silver blades of the moon will slash the air summoning the sorrow that flattens me... But the worst case is the return of the sun. The morning. Cause I know that dawn brings nothing, and another one intolerable day begins. A day out of my desires. So I detest the rising sun. He is brilliant and full of promises. I wanna close my eyes, let him caress my face and breathe deeply, snuffing all the energy of the bloomy morning. But no. If the night deteriorates your pain, the day executes you coldheartedly. The sun is so illustrious. I want to erase him.
  But now- now is night-time. And the lights of the town are dancing unconcernedly. I love those lights. They are jazzy and filthy. They make the town seem like a sultry maked-up whore. She twinkles seductively her lashes and she promises to make you get over. She blows her smoke in your face mesmericly. Now is the impermanent pleasures that the town offers you at night, no shiny stars, no romantic landscapes, no sounds of nature. The town is gruesomely delightful and lethally lustful. The dark shapes around me are her pawns, she moves them sharply around you, she plays with you, she smiles mockingly. I endear this meretricious night. Her mendacious lights are so honest. They do not vouch for anything, they bounce merrily and they solicit you to dance and flirt with the town at night- yes, as much as you forfend, in a while the pious sun will come up who lightens mischievously the factitious exhilarations.
  I leave- I leave before tha arrival of the day, the daytime for me is represented only by light that absquatulates from a cranny. A trenchant light that raptures the decent darkness. I don't wanna see the sun, I dont' want any deceitful morning, I leave, I leave, I leave, I take with me the scent of the night-town and occlude my inebriated self inside my dark, dusty room, only there- only there lies the truth."

...Θα προσθέσω κι ένα άσμα για τη μουσική υπόκρουση της υπόθεσης. Αλλά το τραγούδι είναι η λατρεία των παρόντων ημερών (ε, είπαμε). Σε πακέτο προσφοράς, με τους στίχους -τωόντι προσφορά, εφόσον είναι το μοναδικό τραγούδι από το συγκεκριμένο μουσικό σχήμα του οποίου τους στίχους κατόρθωσα να εντοπίσω.

Someday Someday I'll wake to be myself again
(But) I left my soul and I Never want to try again
Never want to try again
I left my soul and I Never want to try again
Never want to try again
Never want to try again
Never want to try again
Never want to try again
Sense of me and time slips away
Could you meet before the light burns me alive
Sense of me and time slips away (Want to see you)
And what I fear the light has burnt away


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Ανασκαφές, Μέρος Έσχατο (Not)

"Salvē!" salutations και τα συναφή.